Thursday, November 13, 2008


After a conversation with my Brother this morning, I decided (I'm a decider!) that I should put this stuff out there so I won't have to tell long stories 50 times. the past 4 weeks I've probably put about 2000 miles on my car...I love it! Texas is a big and dare I say it..(yes I do) beautiful place. Honestly, I am so happy that I grew up here and know this land. I've been out to East Texas in the Jungle lands, in Hill Country, Kerrville and Austin, and...well, that's it so far. But there is a lot going on in these places! Out in East Texas there is a place called Maypop farm, which is totally brutally awesome, and Home Sweet Farm out in Brenham (which I haven't been to yet, but looks also totally brutally awesome). In Austin there is a place called the Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems (, holy brutality...and then the Sacred Acre and their twin project in the Blanco-Wimberely area. So...Let us review shall we?

Maypop Farm

In the land of Montgomery (Rhapsody of Fire! Yes! And yes, there are only a few people who know what I'm talking about :), lies a land of Terra Preta and Jungle Agriculture. We're talking mile long 5 foot wide rows of asparagus. 10+ acres of pure greenery. The project consists of two plots of land on either side of the town of Montgomery, connected by a river (small) running through the town, which was owned by the Ashley's (Larry and Tiffany, the ones responsible for this awesomeness) until they donated to the city for Kudo points. But they are still in charge of developing the greenbelt along the river. The idea is to have eco villages on either side of the town, so you can walk or bike anywere in the local vicinity in mostly greenbelt areas. Not to mention that these facilities will be completely self sufficient on their own food and stuff. So yeah, kinda sweet. More to come on this, I'll be visiting again, and anyone is welcome to join me.

Home Sweet Farm

Okay, so this place is a 108 member CSA, planning to expand to 150 members next year. They have monthly market days every 3rd sunday of the month (holy crap that's this Sunday!) where a gathering of Texan family farmers sell their beautiful bounty to the public (that's us!). So, because of this...I have decided to sustain myself mostly on Local Texan food by travelling to this event and partaking of the beauty. I can't Wait! *giggling* So...yes, please also feel free to join me on this trip. And because its out in Brenham I will also be going to Maypop Farm. Yes!

The Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems

This is run and developed by brilliant faculty member of UT at Austin, his mission, as the name of his place implies, is to create a world of zero waste by applying use to industrial byproducts. As a testament to this, this entire property is created from rebar and fly ash cement (coal burning byproduct) to name just a couple. He and his team (which includes his 27 year old son who is also named Ariel! Yeah!) just submitted a plan to the Bucky Fuller contest to repair the coastal oceans by implemnting certain procedures on offshore drilling platforms. Yeah! The next step is to get Andy & Robby's affiliates in the oil business to start using everything they dig up when drilling for oil! Which the research also already been done for. Needless to say that this is huge, we can be repairing the damage we're doing while in this transition stage off oil....while still drilling for it. A little inspiring! Just a little. :)

The Sacred Acre and the Property out in Blanco-Wimberly

Very cool cats out here! Emma, Joshua, Mike, Jessalynn, and...Ethan...and...I think that's it, for now! These peeps have gotten the nickname 'the kundalinis' because they do a fair amount of kundalini yoga which is extremely powerful awakening stuff. They are creating an awesome eco village/healing retreat out in 65 acres in blanco wimberly area. And I'm going to bug them for a name so i don't have to keep referring to it in that cumbersome way. Hmmm...yes. Awesome potluck and music jam and laughing yoga at their place in Austin this Friday! This is going to be an awesome weekend!

Their in development site

So. I think taht's it! Come join me on one of these expeditions! I well be taking them at least once a month! I consider part of my new education plan. Until next time!

Peace and Love,
Ariel von Raven


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those people sounds so amazing. I'm so happy to know people like that are in the world, and even happier to know they're in Texas. I'm really blown away. That's awesome.

Stephanie W.