Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Ok, back at la computador! So...we went to the Mercado today, got some nice lookin papaya, mangoes, limes, guava, banana, and...grapefruit...and...honey...and....mmm, what else? I think thats it. Also had the most painless eye exam ever this afternoon, it couldn´t have taken more than 5 minutes it felt like. It´s ridiculous that american doctors are so stuffy about everything, I always felt so frustrated with the process, and then you get charged 60 bucks for the visit, and another 150 or 200 for your glasses...I got everything for....lets see, 700 pesos, or $50. Sweetness! They will be ready tomorrow, but Richard will have to pick them up I guess because I want to be heading over to Horsetail Falls Park methinks, still have to figure what the bus situation is going over there though...Looks pretty amazing though! I ´scited.

So, I definitely don´t like big cities, whether their foreign or not. Madrid and Barcelona were cool because of the old architecture, but Monterray is a bit newer so it just doesn´t have the same flavor. I like the strong cultural identity though, and the abundant mass transit. Very cool. Though the mass transit is necessary though because it is quite evident that people are very poor. I feel opulent next to the average mexican considering I own: A car, A bicycle, 2 computers AND a laptop, MULTIPLE guitars, a ton (well, maybe only a couple hundred pounds) of books, etc. Yep, I´m spoiled, glad I´m trying to do something other than just please myself! When we came in on the bus we were in the scary part o town...well, not scary, just...poor, trashy, got come ons from hookers, etc. Faucet didn´t work in the hotel we stayed at that night..awesome.

After we got into the more downtown area though it is a bit nicer, parques here and there, la gran plaza where the old turn of the 20th century palace is was neato, interesting though that you can walk into a chain restaurant and be greated by some kid (18 or 19) carrying an assault rifle with a bullet proof vest...Ah yes, different countries, such a wonderful experience! This morning we got up to go have breakfast and we saw on the television ´riot in monterray during police drug bust´or something along those lines, glad I decided not to walk around last night to get the flavor of the night life! Though in the downtown area it probably would have been fine, just not nearly as cool as Barcelona at 3am. Considering that this is the only other time I´ve been out of the country and I went to Spain the first time I guess I am coming at it a little critically, but I am enjoying it no less...though I have been trying to get the most out of my visit and it seems what I´ve done the most is sleep and write, but that is also essential to catch up on my life etc. Looking forward to the not city tomorrow.

The first day here I was looking for the hampton inn (where we stayed one night because it was close to the hospital) later on in the day, after Richard had gone into surgery, and got a little confused because of the naming of the streets...that was a fun adventure, walked around a whole bunch...carrying a few small bags in my arms close to my chest because none of the sacks were strong enough to house them all...knew I should have left with a bag! Anyway, I laugh about it though because of leaving the hotel that we checked into without really knowing where it was before leaving it...dóh! There were a couple moments where I about to say ´ah f.....´ but both those times random guys on the street helped me out. There was also an HEB right by the inn so I just asked where HEB was and got some directions, the first guy wanted some cambio, and so i told him ´Well, maybe you can help ME out too!´which me obliged in some english, coolio. Thanks tigers eye bracelet! You rock!

So, Likin it good. Feel like there are some stories that I´m forgetting, you know, lots of trying to fudge my way with the language and just feeling very humored by how ignorant i am of the language, but hey, at least I´m trying! And it is fun when they say, ´poco´ when i tell them ´habla pequeno espanol´. Good times. Oh, and a guy was just lightin up a doobie in the street at the mercado this morning, that was pretty hilarious. We were trying some mangoes and buying the papaya, couldn´t have been later than 11, when I smell a familiar smell wafting through the clogged streets of cars, carts, and people...turning around and continuing on our way the source of the scent was in broad daylight in the middle of the street. Ah, again, I´d like to say, different country, how sweet it is.

Ah, the Metal scene totally exists down here, saw the decked out young dude with all black clothing, wallet chain, oh I can´t remember the band shirt he had on...could here a little bit of the thrashing from his headphones, lip piercing, the trying to be serious and dark expression on his face...very hilarious, I was telling richard that I like all these different styles of music, etc. but don´t necessarily vibe with the subculture at all. I don´t think I´ve ever met another metalhead outside my family who has the same relationship with it that I do, and even then, we all interpret and experience it in our own unique way and have different (to some degree) favorite bands.

Hmmm...other than just laughing at myself for not getting it, there doesn´t seem to be a whole lot to tell...Tried getting a subway pass, kept putting in the change, hitting the button, and nothing happened...then a chica came up to the machine next to me, put in change, hit a button, and got her pass...I just laughed...when I tried it all over again, with confidence this went if the ghost in the machine was...playing with me (eerie voice).

Well, gonna send off a couple more emails before I go so I´ll be done for the day and be back for more mind blowingly average stories for tomorrow! Yeeeeeha! (An old mexican lady at the Laredo bus stop just loved my cowboy hat, it was just precious :)

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